Code Enforcement
Amber Palmer
[email protected] 937-651-6049 About Code Enforcement Code Enforcement is the first line of defense in protecting property value and quality of life in the City of Bellefontaine. The primary purpose of Code Enforcement is to enforce the provisions of the City of Bellefontaine Property Maintenance Code to ensure that continued occupancy and maintenance of structures in the city. Structure that are unoccupied and lack maintenance can be a blighting influence on neighborhoods, which can lead to decreased property values and an increase of crime. The ultimate mission of Code Enforcement is to protect the health, safety and welfare for all citizens within the City of Bellefontaine. |
What does Code Enforcement Enforce?
Code Enforcement is responsible for the enforcement of the City of Bellefontaine Property Maintenance Code. This code has regulations for both exterior and interior conditions of structures and properties within the City of Bellefontaine. The Code Enforcement Officer may also assist in the enforcement of other city ordinances, such as the Health, Safety and Sanitation Code.
Code Enforcement is responsible for the enforcement of the City of Bellefontaine Property Maintenance Code. This code has regulations for both exterior and interior conditions of structures and properties within the City of Bellefontaine. The Code Enforcement Officer may also assist in the enforcement of other city ordinances, such as the Health, Safety and Sanitation Code.
Code Enforcement Process
- How does the city know when a violation exists?
The Code Enforcement Officer proactively looks for violations of the Property Maintenance Code. Code Enforcement also investigates complaints that are received from the public. - How am I notified of a violation?
Violations are issued in writing to the listed owner of the property. In some cases, the tenant or registered vehicle owner may also be contacted. However, the listed property owner is responsible to ensure compliance with the violation. - What if I have questions about a violation?
Contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 937-651-6049 or email at [email protected]. - When is legal action taken?
The city may initiate legal action after a violation has not been brought into compliance within the specified time in the notice. - Do I have other options if I cannot or do not wish to comply?
If you have circumstances that prevent you from taking the necessary steps to bring to comply the notice of violation, you should contact the Code Enforcement Officer to discuss your specific case. If you are unable to reach a resolution after speaking with the Code Enforcement Officer, you may file an appeal with the Board of Building Appeals.
What is my responsibility as a resident?
OWNER – Protect property values and the health of occupants by maintaining the structure in good repair. Examples include maintain the exterior of the structure free of broken glass, loose shingles, peeling paint and crumbling stone or brick. Maintain Doors and Windows. Ultimately, the buck stops with the owner for all violations
TENANT – Properly dispose of garbage and rubbish, Maintain yard in neat and sanitary manner, free of litter, junk cars and animal wastes; Notify owner when repairs are needed an allow reasonable time to complete repairs before contacting officials.
What to do if I have received a violation notice?
- Read the Notice – When, Where, What, Who, Appeal, Legal/Civil Action
- Contact Code Enforcement Officer
- If you believe the violation is erroneous, see appeals section
- Comply – ask for extensions, code enforcement will work with you
How to Appeal
Appeals must be made in writing to the Board of Building Appeals. Appeals must be submitted within 10 days of the date of the Notice of Violation. Appeals should be sent to the attention of the Code Enforcement Officer.
Appeals must be made in writing to the Board of Building Appeals. Appeals must be submitted within 10 days of the date of the Notice of Violation. Appeals should be sent to the attention of the Code Enforcement Officer.
Common Types of Violations
Parking and Storage of Vehicles
Vehicles parked or stored on the exterior property must be currently licensed and ready for immediate, legal operation on public roads (ready to turn the key and drive). Vehicles must be parked in driveway areas accessed by curb cuts. If there is not enough space in the driveway, up to two (2) vehicles may be parked in the rear of the property provided they are licensed and in operating condition. Vehicles and Trailers MAY NOT be used to store other materials. The parking of commercial motor vehicles in prohibited in residential areas.
Accumulation of Junk/Trash/Rubbish
Junk/Garbage/Rubbish, including tree branches, bush trimmings, brush, discarded items, litter, materials ready for destruction, or items which have been collected for salvage or conversion to some other use may be stored outdoors. Garbage/Trash/Rubbish must be stored in approved containers. Large items set at the curb, such as furniture or appliances, must pay for a bulky item pick up through the City of Bellefontaine Utility Office in advance.
Tall Grass and/or Weeds
All grass and/or weeds on property must be kept below eight (8) inches at all times.
Trees and Bushes
All trees, hedges, shrubbery and other vegetation should not be overgrown or unsightly. Vegetation along streets and sidewalks should be cut so that it does not obstruct pedestrian passage on sidewalks, does not impede visibility at intersection or of traffic control devices.
Temporary and Political signs
Temporary signs (such as those left by a contractor for advertising purposes) should not be placed on the sidewalk or boulevard. Temporary signs should be at least 10 feet from the curb line, or 10 feet from the edge of pavement if there is no curb. Temporary signs MAY NOT be placed on utility poles or boulevard trees. Political signs must follow these same rules, and in addition, may not be put up earlier than 45 days prior to the election being advertised and must be removed within 15 days following the election.
Address Posting
House numbers are required and must be easily observed and readable from the public right of way.
Windows and doors must be kept in good condition and weathertight. Glass should not have holes or cracks.
Exterior Walls
Exterior walls should not have holes, breaks or loose or rotting materials. Walls must be maintained weather proof and properly surface coated to prevent deterioration.
Parking and Storage of Vehicles
Vehicles parked or stored on the exterior property must be currently licensed and ready for immediate, legal operation on public roads (ready to turn the key and drive). Vehicles must be parked in driveway areas accessed by curb cuts. If there is not enough space in the driveway, up to two (2) vehicles may be parked in the rear of the property provided they are licensed and in operating condition. Vehicles and Trailers MAY NOT be used to store other materials. The parking of commercial motor vehicles in prohibited in residential areas.
Accumulation of Junk/Trash/Rubbish
Junk/Garbage/Rubbish, including tree branches, bush trimmings, brush, discarded items, litter, materials ready for destruction, or items which have been collected for salvage or conversion to some other use may be stored outdoors. Garbage/Trash/Rubbish must be stored in approved containers. Large items set at the curb, such as furniture or appliances, must pay for a bulky item pick up through the City of Bellefontaine Utility Office in advance.
Tall Grass and/or Weeds
All grass and/or weeds on property must be kept below eight (8) inches at all times.
Trees and Bushes
All trees, hedges, shrubbery and other vegetation should not be overgrown or unsightly. Vegetation along streets and sidewalks should be cut so that it does not obstruct pedestrian passage on sidewalks, does not impede visibility at intersection or of traffic control devices.
Temporary and Political signs
Temporary signs (such as those left by a contractor for advertising purposes) should not be placed on the sidewalk or boulevard. Temporary signs should be at least 10 feet from the curb line, or 10 feet from the edge of pavement if there is no curb. Temporary signs MAY NOT be placed on utility poles or boulevard trees. Political signs must follow these same rules, and in addition, may not be put up earlier than 45 days prior to the election being advertised and must be removed within 15 days following the election.
Address Posting
House numbers are required and must be easily observed and readable from the public right of way.
Windows and doors must be kept in good condition and weathertight. Glass should not have holes or cracks.
Exterior Walls
Exterior walls should not have holes, breaks or loose or rotting materials. Walls must be maintained weather proof and properly surface coated to prevent deterioration.