Code Enforcement is the first line of defense in protecting property value and quality of life in the City of Bellefontaine. The primary purpose of Code Enforcement is to enforce the provisions of the City of Bellefontaine Property Maintenance Code to ensure that continued occupancy and maintenance of structures in the city. Structure that are unoccupied and lack maintenance can be a blighting influence on neighborhoods, which can lead to decreased property values and an increase of crime. The ultimate mission of Code Enforcement is to protect the health, safety and welfare for all citizens within the City of Bellefontaine.
Code Enforcement is responsible for the enforcement of the City of Bellefontaine Property Maintenance Code. This code has regulations for both exterior and interior conditions of structures and properties within the City of Bellefontaine. The Code Enforcement Officer may also assist in the enforcement of other city ordinances, such as the Health, Safety and Sanitation Code.