Notice of Online Auctions to Dispose of City-Owned Property
By Ordinance 12-07, the City Council of Bellefontaine, Ohio, hereby expresses its intent to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or unfit city-owned personal property by Internet auction during calendar year.
City-owned personal property will be disposed of through Internet auction at www.govdeals.com. This auction site may also be accessed at the City of Bellefontaine Home Page. The City Council have contracted with GovDeals to conduct the Internet auction on the city’s behalf located at 5913 Carmichael Place, Montgomery AL, to conduct the Internet auction on the city’s behalf.
Items disposed by online auctions may include, as specified in ORC 307.12, motor vehicles acquired for the use of city officers and departments, road machinery, equipment, tools or supplies, any of which is either unneeded, obsolete, or unfit for the use for which it was acquired. The number of days of bidding on the property involved will be at least 15 days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, under the terms and conditions specified at the auction website.
The City Council of Bellefontaine reserves the right to establish the minimum prices that may be accepted for any property that is the subject of the Internet auction, the terms and conditions of any particular sale that may occur, including but not limited to requirements for pick up and/or delivery of the property, method of payment, and payment of sales tax in accordance with applicable laws. This information will be provided on the Internet at the time of the auction itself or may be provided before that time upon request.
This notice will be posted continually throughout calendar year in the offices of the City Auditor, the Mayor of Bellefontaine, and on the City of Bellefontaine website.
For further information, please contact the City Safety Service Director Office at (937) 592-4376, or by email at hfeasel@ci.bellefontaine.oh.us.